Regularization of Contract Employees in Punjab Latest News

25 March 2022

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The government has prepared the draft law on the protection and regularization of contract employees of Punjab, which will be discussed by ministers on Friday, as well as the financial implications of regularizing the services of such a large number of employees. First, those whose services are regulated, in accordance with state government policy, receive only the base salary for three years. Sources in the Ministry of Finance say the government`s total payroll will increase by 900 crore rupees. More than 37,000 contract employees working in the state government as well as in state bodies and enterprises need to be regularized. Photo for display only. Meanwhile, in a statement, the state government decided to waive the services of retired employees who have been reinstated in various ministries. Permanent employees go through the trial periodIt was also specified in the invoice that the benefits of regularized employees are not applicable on a contractual basis from the date of hiring. These employees will be on probation for a period from 1994 to the date of regularization, as set out in the Punjab Public Service (General Conditions and Conditions of Service) Rules 1994. During the probationary period, such employees, who are regulated as employees, are entitled to a fixed salary equal to the minimum wage in the salary matrix applicable to that position. The provisions of the reservation policy would be followed during the regularization process of these employees. However, this decision on regularisation would not bind the boards of directors and the companies. Several contract and outsourced employees had protested against the state government and called for the regularization of their services Sources said it had been discussed that Class A and B employees were not employed on a contractual basis, but the CM then asked the committee to reconsider the issue and come back with a new report.

Protesters opposed the government`s decision to regularize the jobs of 36,000 contract workers under the Protection and Regularization of Contract Employees in Punjab Bill 2021, claiming that nearly 1.25 Lakh employees working for the government under outsourcing and other programs have been deprived of this right. This is part of what the Punjab Congress promised in its 2017 election manifesto to provide “Ghar Ghar Rozgar”. The bill, which was introduced in the House of Representatives on Thursday, stipulates that the services of ad hoc, temporary, labor and daily wage workers will be regularized. Under this act, 36,000 employees who work on a time, adcock, labour and debt relief basis in departments without interruption for a period of 10 years or more are confirmed. Chandigarh: In an important decision, the Punjab cabinet on Tuesday passed a bill to regularize the services of 36,000 employees working on a contractual, ad hoc, daily and temporal basis in various ministries. It is estimated that there are more than 32,100 contract employees in various departments of the state government and about 34,000 such employees in boards of directors and state enterprises. Since regularization of services is only proposed against sanctioned organizations, only more than 50% of these contract employees benefit from it. In addition, it is unlikely that outsourced employees will be taken into account. Among the employees to be regularized, there are raw employees working on positions in Group C and Group D. Of these, Group C employees are regularized at the salary of Rs 1900-3799 in accordance with the recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission as amended from time to time, while Group D employees work with a salary below Rs 1900.

. In addition, the provisions of the booking policy are also implemented in the regularization of employees. The Punjab cabinet, which was supposed to regularize 37,000 contract employees of the state government, state bodies and businesses, postponed the agenda on Friday. The matter was referred to the Cabinet subcommittee for reconsideration. Prime Minister Amarinder Singh asked the committee to look into the matter again after Minister Rana Gurmit Sodhi objected that regularization was only taking place for Class C and D staff, while Class A and B staff was not mentioned. “In an important decision, the firm decided today to regularize 36,000 employees. It`s a great gift for the staff,” Channi told reporters. In December 2016, the then SAD BJP government also passed the Welfare of Ad Hoc, Contract, Day labour, temporary, labourer and outsourced employees Bill 2016 in a special session called ahead of the 2017 elections to regularise the 30,000-employee series of various ministries. However, the regularization of services has not led to success. Hacks, Houdini Acts and Rug Pulls: Why DeFi smart contracts need to be safer than smart in 2022.

The decision was taken this afternoon at a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi here in Punjab Bhawan. According to a spokesman for the Prime Minister`s Office, this decision would regularize the services of nearly 36,000 employees appointed with more than 10 years of service. Cabinet also approved the additional creation of accepted posts. An employee would also be entitled to arrears of ₹8,251 from 1 March 2020 to October 2021. The cabinet also approved the universalization of Ayushman Bharat – Mukh Mantri Sehat Bima Yojana, under which the entire population of Punjab would receive insurance coverage of ₹5 lakh per family per year, excluding state and central government employees and retirees. He also approved “The Punjab Tax Repeal Bill (Institutional and Other Buildings), 2021”, which is to be introduced at the current session of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha to waive unpaid fees in any case. .