Not Accepted Android Sdk License Agreements

18 March 2022

Blog post

The problem is still there with circleci/android: api-28. What I suspect is that Google may have updated something in the SDK manager – maybe changed the license text? (Accepted licenses are saved as a SHA1 summary of the license text.) I tried but it still doesn`t work. The problem occurs when some of your Android modules need to be compiled using an SDK other than the main image (in this case, 28). Licenses are not signed. You may also see the message Accepted license for the Android SDK Platform 26 package. And finally, the build is successfully generated. If someone is still facing the problem, please follow the link for the solution I added the following: E:android-sdk_r24.4.1-windowsandroid-sdk-windowstools; E:android-sdk_r24.4.1-windowsandroid-sdk-windowsplatform-tools If you want to use the IDE to accept the license, I also found it easy to open Android Studio and create a new basic project to trigger the license agreements. Once I had created a project, the following license dialog box was displayed, which I had to accept: I came across this error when I ran cordova build android Give a new attempt and rebuild, still Jenkins, which gives “licenses not accepted”, then you need to grant full permission to your “SDK” directory and all parent directories. Here`s the command: The Docker image I have in my config.yml is circleci/android: api-26-alpha (, and I noticed that it was updated a few hours earlier and it looks like the build error occurred after this update. Well, it is always said that you have not accepted the license. What result did you receive from sdkmanager? What went wrong? Settings > Android Studio > Appearance and behavior > System settings > Android SDK Highlight the latest versions of Android and click Apply.

At this point, Android will ask you to accept its licenses and install the updated version(s). You can now create/run Ionic/Cordova/PhoneGap. Maybe I`m late, but it helped me accept SDK licenses for OSX, in fact you can just go to cmd where you installed SDK and run cd to tools/bin in example: ./sdkmanager “platforms;android-26” and accept the license with y If you use the Android SDK Manager GUI and the license is still rejected, Try this, which worked for me: đź“ť If the environment variable ANDROID_HOME is not set, check out this guide: Open the “sdkmanager.bat –update” from the command line, then select “Y”, type and wait for the finish. For example, I use the command line to enter the directory: “E:android-sdk_r24.4.1-windowsandroid-sdk-windowstoolsbin”, and then I type: sdkmanager.bat –update I found the fix because it is missing two packages called Google Repository and Android Repository. You can use the Android SDK command to access the Android SDK Manager and go to the Tools folder where you can select and install both packages. The problem is resolved. This behavior can occur if you installed the SDK but did not accept the license agreement. To resolve this issue, simply accept the terms of the SDK component. To accept the terms and conditions, you can use an sdkmanager command-line tool. You can fix the problem in 2 steps: For more information, see the Android Studio documentation, although the current documentation does not contain a description of the –licenses option. | Echo “Y” /opt/android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager “build-tools;26.0.2” There may be two Android SDKs on your computer.

Make sure to check both~/Library/Android/sdk and/usr/local/share/android-sdk! If you are not sure, completely uninstall Android Studio from your computer and start with a clean vest. If you are experiencing this issue for a React Native app, in addition to the steps above, make sure that you have the file in your app`s Android directory (AppName /android) that points to your sdk directory: @smitthakkar96 These licenses must have already been downloaded to the android-sdk-home/licenses directory. worked for me when deploying on Macos: xcode: 10.1 with bash as buildstep on deploy-android tasks You have to accept the license manually for now. I believe it will: I had a similar problem, but ./sdkmanager –licenses didn`t work. I follow this thread and the comment “obladors” gave me the solution: you have to accept the licenses before building. According to the Android SDK documents, depending on the location of the SDK manager, you can use the following command: However, the Docs on –licenses option seems missing. Yes| sdkmanager –licenses When you install updates, you are prompted to accept the license agreement. Accept the license agreement and install the updates and you`re done.

If you use the Docker image “circleci /android: api-28-alpha”, it works My circleCI configuration for Android has been working successfully for a few weeks, but suddenly today all versions fail with the following: Just enter flatter doctor-android licenses into the terminal and wait a few seconds. You will see “All accepted SDK package licenses” on your screen. After that, just go to the licenses folder in the SDK and check if it contains these five files: I added this step after my restore_cache step and before my Gradlew dependency step. This correctly accepted and downloaded the v26.0.2 build tools. It`s not a real solution, but it works for now. Even with circleci/android:api-28-alpha, it fails. Interestingly, not all projects fail, but only some. This tip: GitLab Android SDK Build Tools 25.0.1 and Android SDK Platform 25 licensing issue. I added the GitLab CI configuration file to my repository as described in this article But I get these warnings: “` License verification for the Android package. NB: This led to the immediate adoption of the SDK license, and the build worked from there. If you are not using Android Studio, you must do the following: #1726 (Comment) Install sdk 25 and accept the Android Studio license.

That solved my problems. but rather d56f5187. License files are simple text/port files that contain content like 8933bad161af4178b1185d1a37fb41ea5269c55, so you can do something like this with a script step: I just installed this problem these components in “Android 7.0 (API 24)”: Google Apis Sources SDK Platform for Android SDK I had also updated with the previous command line and I think the Android SDK manager has a more complete capability, Resolve dependencies, including licensing. Exactly the same failure for me. On CircleCI 2.0 and follow the tutorial @marc a suggestion? You can fix the above error by accepting the license agreements from the command line, as shown below. Android SDK usage documentation: This error can occur even after entering y in response to the question: Accept the `android-sdk-license-c81a61d9` [y/n]:y. So we need to consider why this error occurs? Due to this error, we cannot compile our project. In this article, we are going to talk about how they can resolve this error using five different methods. But before we jump straight to the solutions, let`s first see something about the Android SDK.

Accept the license `android-sdk-license-c81a61d9` [y/n]: y after successful installation. You have not accepted the license agreements for the following SDK components: [Google Repository]. Before you build your project, you must accept the license agreements and complete the installation of the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager. Alternatively, to learn how to transfer license agreements from one workstation to another, go to Yes | sdkmanager –licenses && yes | sdkmanager –update Checking the Google Repository package license in /usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/3859397,26.0.1/licenses Disclaimer: License for Google Repository package not accepted. There you go! You`ve accepted the SDK licenses and you`re good to go. You can update the image section of your circle.yml file: docker: – image: circleci/android:api-28 A pull request has been created for licenses to be accepted by default. Check Google APIs 23.0.1 in Android Studio accept all licenses with sdkmanager –license I have the same problem for almost all Android API versions I insert. Mine is supposed to be api 19, but there doesn`t seem to be an image anywhere. .