Malaysia India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement Notification

14 March 2022

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(v) The issuing authority receiving the notification may postpone the proposed verification visit and notify the importing Party of this intention within fifteen days of receipt of the notification. Notwithstanding any postponement, each verification visit shall be carried out within sixty days of the date of receipt or for a longer period agreed by the parties. (1) the name of the competent authority issuing the notification; MICECA is a comprehensive agreement covering trade in goods, trade in services, investment and movement of natural persons. It reinforces the benefits of the ASEAN-India Agreement on Trade in Goods (AITIG) and will further facilitate and enhance mutual trade, services, investment and economic relations in general. (iv) If the manufacturer/exporter does not obtain the written consent of the manufacturer/exporter within thirty days of receipt of the notification referred to in point (i), the declarant may refuse preferential tariff treatment to the goods referred to in that AIFTA certificate of origin which would have been the subject of the verification visit. and (i) the importing Party shall simultaneously submit a written notification of its intention to carry out the verification visit through the competent authority, (ii) the written notification referred to in point (i) shall be as complete as possible and shall include: a credit value content of at least 35 % of the FOB value. – other yarns, mainly or exclusively mixed with wool or fine hair (iii), the products were dispatched during or immediately thereafter to the importing Party in the State in which they were dispatched for exhibition. (b) cutting and hemming, sewing or tightening fabrics of length or width which are easily recognisable as being intended for a specific commercial use; (e) minerals and other natural substances not referred to in points (a) to (d) and extracted or extracted from the soil, water, seabed or seabed of the Party;. . 3. Containers and packaging materials used exclusively for the transport of a product shall not be taken into account when determining the origin of the goods. (b) The original executing party, the intermediate party and the importing party cooperate in the verification; The copy of the AIFTA certificate of origin issued by the exporting Party of origin shall be returned to the customs authority of the importing Party if the latter so requests during the verification procedure.

. The undersigned hereby declares that the above information and statements are correct; all the products have been manufactured in – – synthetic fibres, weighing 67 or more yarns of fine hair (carded or combed), not put up for retail sale. (iv) the retroactive control procedure, including the procedure itself and the determination of the origin or otherwise of the product in question, should be completed within six months and the result communicated to the issuing authority. During the implementation of the retroactive control procedure, point (iii) shall apply. Phasing out or reduction of the Customs Tariff from the date of entry into force of the Agreement, 1 July 2011. The details of the tariff reduction are as follows: cotton fabrics, with a cotton content of 85 % or more, weighing not more than 200 g/KG per square metre. – other fabrics containing by weight 85 % or more of textured polyester filaments. – sisal fibres or other textile fibres of the genus Agave. Cotton sewing threads, whether or not put up for retail sale. For the purposes of Rule 3(a), `animals` means `animals` wholly produced or obtained in a part:- Explanatory Note 1.- For the purposes of points (b) and (c), `animals` means all animal life, including mammals, birds, fish, crustaceans, molluscs, reptiles and living organisms. .

. . (j) simple dilution with water or any other substance which does not significantly alter the properties of the products. On the basis of the check carried out, the accuracy of the exporter`s declaration shall be certified. . 11.CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN BACK TO BACK: In the case of a back-to-back certificate of origin, box 13 `CO back to back` shall be checked in accordance with paragraph 11 of the operational certification procedures (√). The name of the exporting Party of origin, to be indicated in box 11, together with the date of issue of the CO and the reference number, shall be indicated in box 7. – – With an outer surface made of plastic or textile materials. .

4. the scope or purpose of the proposed verification visit, including the reference to the goods under review; and 5.DESCRIPTION OF GOODS: The description of the goods must be sufficiently detailed to enable the customs officers inspecting it to identify the goods. Name of the manufacturer, any trademark must also be indicated. Malaysia and India concluded the Malaysia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (MICECA) on 24 September 2010. (a) simple combinations, labelling, pressing, cleaning, cleaning or packing operations or any combination thereof; Other ready-to-wear accessories; Parts of clothing or clothing accessories, other than parts of heading No 62.12. . . .