How to Write a Follow up Email after a Business Proposal

26 February 2022

Blog post

[Name], I am writing to build on our last conversation. My boss asked me for an update on your account. I told him I didn`t have one. I`m not sure it makes sense to continue the conversation. What makes sense as a next step, if any? [Signature] Unfortunately, there`s no way (yet!) to get through your computer screen and get your customer to respond to an important message. However, sending a carefully crafted follow-up email can lead to the desired results while keeping your relationship positive. A well-written follow-up email targeted to former customers can help re-establish a relationship with a former customer. It`s often easier to reconnect with an old customer than to find a new one. You will immediately adhere to the features and benefits of your product or service with very little footwork on your side. In the world we live in, it almost always takes a follow-up or two to sell the solution you offer. Or five.

In this guide to writing a follow-up email to customers, we provide 10 examples to show you how to do it. We also share some evidence-based tips for creating the most effective follow-up emails that are (almost) guaranteed to receive a response. Finally, always summarize your first meeting. This is a good reason to send a follow-up email immediately after the call. The bonus of doing this? It keeps you at the top of the prospect`s head (and inbox) until your next call. How can we get the agreement back on track? How do you know how often you need to contact them, and what happens if you start following too much? You want to move the deal forward, but you also don`t want perseverance to get boring – we`ll show you an example of a follow-up email to send to a customer after sending a proposal so you get a response! Of all the consecutive mistakes made by sales reps, here are the five that tend to intercept sales teams: Your potential customers are most likely busy, and human nature dictates that anyone who opens an email and discovers a wall of text will close it almost instantly. If you`re lucky and they`re really interested, they plan to read it later. There are two types of follow-up emails: those that are time-limited and those that are not.

If this email doesn`t work, you can try sending a third follow-up. The ability to write a clear and concise follow-up email after a business meeting or phone call allows you to build on the success of the meeting and summarize anything that was not discussed or confirmed at the meeting itself. Take a look at these aspects that should be included in a follow-up email after a business meeting: It often happens that the person you initially met is not the final decision-maker and has to walk away and consult with colleagues or their boss. You want to give them enough time for that, but also keep the leaders well warmed up and maybe even push them to follow up. We recommend that you give it about 4-5 business days before pulling the following. Sending a solid initial follow-up email is crucial. Your message should show your potential customer that you value their time and explain how you can continue to help them. If you`re trying to get a sale from a potential customer, you should briefly remind the person of your product or service and explain how they could solve a problem or improve an aspect of their business.

However, before you send this follow-up email, make sure you`ve done your homework and fully understand exactly how your product or service fits into your current business. You won`t get an answer if you copy and paste the same follow-up email to each potential prospect. People are busy and get a lot of emails a day. If the subject line of your email doesn`t get to the point by clearly indicating what it is, it`s likely to be hovered over. Use a short, relevant subject line that immediately explains the purpose of your follow-up email after your proposal is sent. End your email with a call to action. For example, if you`re trying to arrange a call, make it easier for the customer by suggesting a specific day and time they can expect from you. For specific templates, you should read this article from Hubspot, which offers a wide range of business email templates to choose from. Attract more customers with Indy`s Proposals tool. Easy-to-use offer templates help you make the right pitch every time so you can turn prospects into customers. In an ideal world, a follow-up email would not be necessary. However, employees are drowning in digital correspondence, which means millions of emails are ignored every day.

A 2015 YouGov study in the United States found that the average adult has 500 unread messages in their inbox. As a salesperson, it`s imperative to know exactly when your warm prospects are interacting with your email reach. That`s why Nimble`s new email tracking widget is designed to help you keep your finger on the pulse of all your email activity by consolidating it into an easily accessible platform that you can access anywhere. In the next section, we will provide our customers with 10 examples of tracking email examples where you can see how we put this into practice. Usually, two or three days is a good wait before sending your first follow-up email. You should then send your next email in a few days. A study by Iko System found an 18% response rate to the first email sent. The sixth email received a 27% higher response rate. Robert prefers to keep an eye on emails because understanding the recipient`s behavior helps him personalize a follow-up. It strives to bring value, not just to recall the proposal. The problem is that sending a generic tracking email with “direct recording” is usually not enough.

This gives your customer enough time to review the sales proposition without forgetting who you are. Here are some statistics to consider: Research shows that business owners are more likely to open and respond to emails on weekends. Office workers, on the other hand, are more active during working days, especially during the week. If a customer or customer hasn`t paid an invoice, a polite follow-up email to a customer for payment should be your first option. There can be many reasons why someone hasn`t paid a bill, so we recommend keeping each follow-up email very clear and simple. You don`t need to go into details, just state your demands and don`t apologize. According to Boomerang, emails between seventy-five and a hundred words receive more replies than longer or shorter ones. This lead template tracking email provides an easy reminder to someone who hasn`t responded. I hope you are doing well. I wanted to follow up to make sure you received my email and see if you had any initial questions.

I look forward to discussing this further with you if it is helpful to you. Previous follow-up emails are designed to receive a response whenever possible. However, sometimes a customer simply remains silent despite your best efforts. Let yourself be guided by the timing of your emails or the type of customers you work with, and don`t forget to consider time zones. Fortunately, learning the right approach isn`t a secret skill – all the key elements of a successful follow-up email are at your disposal. Voicemail and email go hand in hand like bacon and eggs. The effects of following with each other will often work in your favor. The secret here is to be fast.

Send the email a few minutes after leaving voicemail to create the full effect of this classic double act. Fortunately, our instincts are often wrong. Very few employers or prospects will respond to a first email. The average office worker receives 121 emails a day. Meanwhile, 86% of the same employees say email is their preferred means of communication. It simply means that although people are bombarded with emails every day, it`s still their preferred method of communication. How to break through the web and clutter someone`s inbox? This is the most common follow-up email and provides additional assistance to answer questions. The value of this follow-up email is that it shows your potential customer that you are willing to support them. You have nothing to lose when you send an email. .