Hvac Subcontractor Agreement

26 February 2022

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A subcontractor is a worker who is not your employee. You give a subcontractor a Form 1099 that shows the amounts you paid them. The subcontractor is responsible for keeping its own records and paying its own income and self-employment taxes. 5 Association. If the parties wish to resolve disputes through the court system, provide the details in writing. Agreement. The Contractor and Subcontractor must sign this Annex 1/Covered Equipment. Provides a detailed description of the equipment that the parties will provide for the project. Annex 2/Scope of work. Establish a detailed description of the specific CAC work that the subcontractor will perform under this agreement. The nature of the service to be performed must also be indicated.

The agreement must specify whether the service should perform system maintenance or repair a specific component. 4 Step-by-Step Guide HVAC Subcontractor Contract The following instructions will guide you through each provision so that you can fully understand the terms of your agreement. The following numbers correspond to the respective provision of the agreement. Title: Enter the date of conclusion of the contract and the name of the owner and contractor. Section 1: Scope of Services: Describe in detail the HVAC services that the subcontractor will provide and the specific hours during which the contractor may work. Section 2: Quality. Indicate the quality of the work and this subcontractor guarantees that all materials and work will be carried out in accordance with industry standards and in a professional manner. The contractor also undertakes to use experienced HVAC technicians for the project. Section 3: Payment. Specify the exact amount of an initial payment to the subcontractor and when further payments will be made.

Section 4: Insurance. Specify the type of insurance that the subcontractor and subcontractor must bear. Section 5: Warranty and Indemnification. The subcontractor warrants all materials and treatment for a period of five years and all defects will be repaired or replaced at no cost to the contractor. If not, specify if this is not the case. Section 6: Term and Termination. Enter the duration of the contract and the termination options as well as the effects in case of termination of the contract. Section 7: Expenditures. The subcontractor undertakes to bear all reasonable costs and expenses. If not, specify if this is not the case. Section 8: Assignment.

The Subcontractor may not assign any of its obligations under this Contract to any other person without the prior written consent of the Contractor. Section 9: Miscellaneous. Special provisions regarding waivers, notices, applicable law, contract content, severability and consideration. Where these provisions may change, the particulars shall be indicated. Section 10: Dispute Resolution and Arbitration. The parties agree to resolve all disputes by arbitration in accordance with the U.S. Arbitration Rules 7VC SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT THIS HVAC SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) will be entered into as of that [date] day of [month], 2011 (the “Agreement Date”) by and between [name], [address] (the “Contractor”) and [name], a company [address] (the “Subcontractor”). The Contractor has received a contract from the Owner for the maintenance of the equipment, as described in Schedule 1 of the equipment; and CONSIDERING that the Contractor requests certain maintenance work on the Equipment in accordance with the scope of services specified in Annex 2 and has agreed to carry out such work for the Equipment under the conditions set out below; The Contracting Parties therefore now agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 The subcontractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the specifications set out in Annex 2 – Scope of services. 1.2 The Subcontractor provides the Service during normal business hours from Monday to Friday until the afternoon. 1.3 This contract does not cover losses, damages due to external causes not limited to unauthorized services provided by a person other than the subcontractor, power failures/interruptions, piping, water, foliage, force majeure or any other situation beyond the control of the subcontractor. 1.4 This Agreement is a maintenance service contract for the purpose of making only normal adjustments to the Equipment.

A seasonal start and stop with maintenance inspection, including filter change, is carried out if necessary. Device filters are provided by the contractor. 1.5 Verification of Effectiveness. The subcontractor shall carry out an annual efficiency test at the request and expense of the contractor. The test will be performed once any repair or adjustment has been made in accordance with this Agreement. At the end of the test, the subcontractor shall provide the contractor with a form listing the values for carbon monoxide, the carbon dioxide or oxygen content, the net stack temperature and, where applicable, the smoke level, as well as the stationary efficiency (expressed as a percentage) determined therein. 1.6 Repair Parts. Parts will be delivered free of charge under the manufacturer`s warranty as long as 9 3.2 All pre-approved additional fees will be paid in accordance with the agreement between the parties.

4. INSURANCE 4.1 Prior to carrying out the work, the subcontractor takes out general liability insurance and workers` compensation insurance and provides the contractor with insurance certificates, with the contractor designated as the holder of the certificate. 5. WARRANTY AND INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 The subcontractor guarantees the quality of all materials and workmanship for a period of five years. Any defects in material or workmanship will be repaired or replaced at no cost to the Contractor. 5.2 The Subcontractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor from and against any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, costs, losses or damages of any kind (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis incurred by the Contractor) brought, suffered or incurred against the Contractor and defend all actions against the Owner arising out of or in connection with this Agreement; including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing: a. Any breach by the subcontractor of the terms of this Agreement; b. Any act, omission, fraud and negligence or omission of any kind by subcontractors, employees or agents used by the subcontractor to perform its obligations under this Agreement; c. Any illegal, false, dishonest, criminal, fraudulent or negligent work, misconduct, bad faith, disregard for its duties and obligations under this Agreement, service, act or omission by/by subcontractors or any of its employees. 6. TERM AND TERMINATION 6.1 Term. This Agreement shall commence on the start date specified in Appendix 1 and shall last for years, unless terminated earlier by the Contractor.

6.2 Termination. The Contractor shall have the opportunity to terminate this Contract, a. in the event that the Subcontractor fails to complete any part of the Work within the time limits agreed with the Contractor and as agreed in Annex 1; b. in the event that the Processor materially breaches any of its obligations under this Agreement and, if it can remedy it, fails to remedy such breach within fifteen (15) days of notification to the Contractor of compensation for the breach. 6.3 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy, the Contractor has the right at any time to terminate the Contract without undue delay by notifying the Subcontractor of a written notice of termination: a Subcontracting Agreement is a contract between the Contractors or Project Managers and the Subcontractors. This solidifies any agreement between the two parties and secures the work. Subcontractors should read the subcontracting agreement and ensure details to protect themselves from unfair risks. Subcontracting agreements describe each party`s responsibilities to ensure that in the event of a claim, the responsible party is liable. A subcontract provides protection to the company that hired the seller or subcontractor by transferring the risk to the party performing the work. The HVAC Subcontractor Contract mobile app allows general contractors to hire HVAC subcontractors to provide services, labor and work from HVAC subcontractors. 3 Instructions and Checklist HVAC Subcontractor Agreement Both parties should read the agreement carefully.

Enter all the requested information in the fields provided on the form. This form contains the basic terms and wording that should be included in similar agreements. This form contains exhibits that should be attached and included as part of this agreement. .