Contract Notices Clause

7 February 2022

Blog post

(e) Notes. All notices required under this Section 9.13 shall be made in accordance with Section 9.06 of this Agreement. (k) notices. All notices under this Agreement will be effective as soon as they are actually received. Any notice or other communication that may be required under this Agreement must be sent to the parties at the following addresses or other addresses that may then be delivered in writing to the other party: (a) Bank: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10081, Attention: _______,_ Vice President, Worldwide Securities Services, Investment Management Unit; and (b) Client: [Client Name], c/o Capital Research and Management Company, attention: Carmelo Spinella, Senior Vice President, 135 South State College Boulevard, Brea, CA 92821-5804; with copy to: Donald H. Rolfe, Counsel, Capital Research and Management Company, 333 p. Hope Street, 55th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071. d) This insurance must be purchased at all times from companies with a current rating of at least A and a financial class rating of at least Class VII in the current issue of “A.M.

Best`s Insurance Guide”. The Tenant must obtain insurance companies from the Landlord or arrange for the Insurance Companies to provide the Owner with insurance certificates proving all the coverage required herein. The Lessor reserves the right to request complete, truthful and correct copies of all necessary insurance policies, including endorsements. Such a policy is not cancellable or subject to a reduction in coverage or any other modification or cancellation, unless an insurer sends such notice directly to the landlord if it is available to the landlord (except in the case of non-payment of the premium, in which case ten (10) days` written notice must be given in advance), provided that if an insurer does not send these notices directly to the landlord, the tenant must immediately provide the landlord with copies of these notices. All of these policies are written as primary policies that do not contribute to the coverage that the landlord can offer. Policies required by the tenant must include severability interest clauses, which state that coverage, except with respect to insurance limits, applies separately to each additional insured or insured tenant, if any, must include dedicated or location-specific limit notes so that the insurance amounts required herein are not affected by losses in other locations. The tenant must submit renewal certificates or records to the landlord at least five (5) days before the expiry of these policies. The tenant agrees that if the tenant does not take out and maintains such insurance, the landlord may (but is not obliged to) take out this insurance on behalf of the tenant and at his expense, which must be paid by the tenant as additional rent. Notice from Seller to one or all Buyers shall be deemed to have been received by one of the Buyers. A communication from a buyer to the seller is considered a joint communication of all buyers. In the case of multiple notices from several buyers, the seller may consider the first communication received by him as the joint communication of all buyers.

All notices, requests, claims, claims and other communications must be in writing [and signed by a person duly authorized to make such notice]. When it comes to the use of indentations, inserting addresses is often a messy affair. If you place the parties together, the clause spans different pages (with arbitrary page breaks) and an inefficient flow of information. The best way is to use a table (without displaying the margins of the table in the printed version): (i) Notes. All notices provided hereunder must be in writing and shall be deemed effective upon personal delivery (including personal delivery by night mail, transmission by fax or on the third day after shipment by first class mail) to the Company at its principal office and to the address of management to the executive on the Company`s payroll (such address may be provided by Written Notification will be modified). Notification clauses serve a variety of purposes, for example. B, indicate where the recipient wishes to receive copies of the execution of the contract and identify the services of the company for different types of communications related to the execution of the contract (e.B. account managers, quality complaints, product delivery, claims, infringement of intellectual property). Usually, contact people know how to find their daily contacts (and otherwise there is always a website with phone numbers); in a particular case, they are likely to consult their internal predecessor and not the contract itself according to the contact details of the other party. Before notice can be given, it is important to review the contract and determine which clause(s) relate to the matter in question and whether it is necessary to be entitled to time, money or both. Given the need for rapid action, there are some important points for issuing effective contract notices in response to potential delays and disruptive events such as COVID-19.

The notice clause defines: (a) the form of the notice; (b) the manner in which the notification may be made; and (c) where the notice is deemed to have been received. The clause works in conjunction with other provisions of the Agreement that specify the circumstances in which notice is required, such as.B notice of changes to a purchase agreement or receipt of claims or lawsuits. There can be several ways in which the parties agree to terminate a contract. Most will require one party to notify the other party in writing of the termination. According to the agreement, termination may occur at any time or within certain time limits, as set out in the Agreement. 6.3 A Party may accept the allocation of any type of instrument or part thereof in one or more subscription notices (or designate them in accordance with clause 6.4 below). Neither party will be liable for the non-delivery of the Subscription Notices, but no principal amount of Zim or Series 2 Notes or (except in the case of Bondholders) Series 1 Notes will be issued to any party unless that party has provided Zim with completed subscription notices within six months of the effective date of the restructuring. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Clause 6, neither party shall be entitled to be affected or issued any Series 2 Shares or Bonds or (except in the case of Bondholders) Series 1 Bonds if such party or its designated recipient (as defined below) has not provided the applicable subscription notices during that six-month period. Each party agrees that it does not have the right or entitlement to determine a distribution of Zim`s Series 1 Notes, Series 2 Notes and/or equity, except to the extent that the allocation is disclosed in its name in the Table of Outstanding Amounts and Allocations. 17.

NOTICE. All notices provided for in your option or plan must be in writing and will be deemed effective if, upon receipt or, in the case of notices given to you by mail, five (5) days after the deposit made in the U.S. Postal Service, are addressed to you at the last address you provided to the Company. The public offer of the Argentine Class B shares has been approved by the CNV in accordance with Resolution No. 18.023 of 14 April 2016, as amended by Resolution No. 18.033 of 21 April 2016. Such authorisation shall be granted only because the conditions required for the provision of information are fulfilled. The NVC neither approved nor rejected the content of the prospectus. The information contained in this supplementary notice is partial and must be supplemented by the information contained in the prospectus of 10 May 2016 and in the notices.

Investors should carefully review the information contained in the prospectus and additional announcements before investing in the Class B shares included in the global offering. Notes. Any notice required under this Agreement will be in writing and will be effective if it is actually served, if it is actually received by fax (except as otherwise provided by law), if it is filed with a nationally recognized night courier service, or if it is sent if it is filed by mail from the United States; as a first-class free- person, as a first-class franc, registered or registered mail. at the addresses indicated at the beginning of this Agreement. Either Party may change its address for notices under this Agreement by providing the other Parties with formal written notice that the purpose of the notice is to change the address of the Party […].