Collective Bargaining Definition in Management

4 February 2022

Blog post

In the work situation, a single employee has to deal with many problems, such as. B low wages, long working hours, incentives for loss, etc. These problems of one individual or fewer people cannot attract the employer`s attention because of their lesser bargaining power. The growth of unions has increased workers` bargaining power and allowed them to bargain collectively for better terms. Concessional collective bargaining is based on unions returning previous benefits to the employer. For example, unions may agree to lower wages in exchange for job security. Collective bargaining refers to the process of bargaining between an employer and a union of employees to reach an agreement that regulates employees` working conditions. When looking at the types of collective bargaining, it is important to distinguish between a collective agreement. There are also different types of collective agreements, but these are linked to the outcome of collective bargaining. The following factors or activities are barriers to effective collective bargaining: there are three different steps in the collective bargaining process; (1) the establishment of the trade agreement, (2) the interpretation of the agreement and (3) the application of the agreement.

Each of these steps has its own special character and it, and therefore each requires a particular type of intellectual and moral activity and machinery. Despite this controversy, collective bargaining was first introduced in India in 1952, which gradually gained prominence in the following years. However, information on the increase in the collective bargaining process is very poor and the progress made in this regard has not been very visible, although not negligible. Data published by the Employment Office show that the practice of determining rates of pay and conditions of employment has spread to most major segments of the economy. For example, there are single trade union agreements, procedural agreements, substantive agreements and partnership agreements. All of this refers to the agreement that took place as a result of the collective bargaining process. Collective bargaining is a source of collective resolution of workers` problems in the work situation. It provides a good climate for discussing workers` problems with their employers. Employees submit their claims to employers, and employers also grant them certain concessions. In this way, it ensures that management cannot make unilateral decisions about work that ignore workers.

It also helps workers achieve responsible wages, working conditions, working hours, benefits, etc. This gives them collective strength to negotiate with the employer. It also gives employers some control over employees. The treaty is considered a constitution drafted by the conference of points of the union and employer representative in the form of a compromise or a trade agreement. The agreement sets out enforcement and interpretation mechanisms for the industry. The right of initiative is limited within the framework of the legislation. Collective bargaining is usually conducted through a trade union. Workers pay the union a relatively low membership fee each month to become members. In his own words: “Most collective bargaining (agreements) took place at the factory level, although in major textile centers such as Mumbai and Ahmedabad, branch agreements were (quite) common. Such agreements can also be found in the plantation industry in the south, in Assam and in the coal industry. Apart from that, in new industries – chemicals, oil, oil refining and distribution, aluminum and electrical equipment, auto repair – in recent years, dispute settlement through voluntary agreements has become commonplace. In ports and wharves, collective agreements fell within the role of the various centres.

In some cases involving all ports, all Indian agreements have been concluded. In the banking sector, employers and trade unions have moved closer to concluding collective agreements after a series of awards in recent years. In the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), with the exception of the employer`s decision to introduce automation, which disrupted industrial harmony in some centres, there was a reasonable discussion between the parties on dispute resolution. “The main objective of the development of collective bargaining technology is to improve relations between workers and management, thus maintaining peace in industries. The technique only developed in India after India`s independence and has since gained momentum. In Harris v. Quinn, 573 U.S. __ (2014), caregivers who provide home care to participants with disabilities (as part of a state-created program) decided to unionize. The collective agreement between the union and the state contained a provision on “fair share”. Like an agency provision, this required that “all personal assistants who are not unionized pay a proportionate share of the costs of the collective bargaining process and contract management.” The workers who had spoken out against it filed a lawsuit, claiming that the provision violated their freedom of expression and association […].